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First stroll - The centre

As in many other European cities boasting a medieval tradition, perhaps the most interesting part of Maribor is at its centre, the medieval fortified town. The town wall, which used to enclose it, was almost the shape of a square. It ran from the Castle along present-day Svetozarevska ulica, a stone's throw from the river. It continued along the river heading west, to the Okrogli stolp (Round Tower), and from there to the north, alongside present-day Strossmayerjeva ulica; there it broke off and, following present-day Gregorciceva ulica, headed back towards the Castle. The first stroll around town should encompass the old town

1. Grad(The Castle) 2. Vetrinjska ulica(Vetrinjska street) 3. Glavni trg(Main square) 4. Koroska cesta(Koroska street) 5. Strossmayereva ulica(Strossmayerjeva street) 6. Oroznova ulica(Oroznova street) 7. Slomskov trg(Slomsek square) 8. Gosposka ulica(Gosposka street) 9. Slovenska ulica(Slovenska street)


