6th International Summer School/Conference LET'S FACE CHAOS THROUGH NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
CAMTP, University of Maribor, Slovenia
26 June - 10 July 2005
Financial Support for Participants
There will be available some very limited financial support
for most highly qualified participants (mainly from the
economically weak countries)
by various funding institutions, e.g. by Soros Foundation,
by the European Physical Society and by the Ministry of
Higher Education, Science
and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia, especially for
participants from the Eastern European (former socialistic)
countries (in transition) and developing countries.
Excluded are countries of European Union, other
countries of Western Europe (like Switzerland), USA, Canada,
Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Israel, etc.
To apply please register normally (by sending e-mail) like all
other participants including sending the advance payment of 600.-EUR
and enclose your C.V. and the list of publications.
Two letters of recommendation should be sent directly
to the e-mail address chaos@uni-mb.si.
As for this advance payment: Please make a bank transfer
to the account of the Summer School/Conference given below.
Make sure that all bank transaction expenses are paid on your
side, so that the amount will arrive in total (no bank charges
upon the receipt).
But in every case please send the proof of the payment,
namely a faxed copy of transfer to the fax
number +(386) (2) 2355 360. The deadline for
applying for financial support is 18 April 2005. The
candidates will be notified before 25 May 2005 about what
financial support has been approved. If the support is
100% then they will be reimbursed the advance payment of
600.-EUR upon their arrival and registration in Maribor,
normally on Sunday 26 June 2005.