We shall review the basic aspects of complete integrability and complete chaos (ergodicity) in classical Hamiltonian systems, as well as all the cases in between, the generic, mixed type systems, where KAM Theory is applicable, and shall illustrate it using the billiard model systems.
Then we shall proceed to the quantum chaos and its stationary properties, that is the structure and the morphology of the solutions of the underlying Schroedinger equation which in case of 2-dim billiards is just the 2-dim Helmholtz equation. We shall discuss the statistical properties of chaotic eigenfunctions, the statistical properties of the energy spectra, and show arguments and results in support of the so-called universality classes of spectral fluctuations, where in the fully chaotic case the Random Matrix Theory (RMT) is applicable.
First we discuss the universality classes of spectral fluctuations (GOE/GUE for ergodic systems, and Poissonian for integrable systems). We explain the problems in the calculation of the invariant (Liouville) measure of classically chaotic components, which has recently been studied by Robnik et al (1997) and by Prosen and Robnik (1998). Then we describe the Berry-Robnik (1984) picture, which is claimed to become exact in the strict semiclassical limit . However, at not sufficiently small values of we see a crossover regime due to the localization properties of stationary quantum states where Brody-like behaviour with the fractional power law level repulsion is observed in the corresponding quantal energy spectra.
We shall mention the rich variety of applications in the domain of physics.
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