Dust, aerosoles, smoke and other air pollutions spread, in still air, by
molecular diffusion. In addition there can be advection by atmospheric flow,
either well directed in jets or winds, or nondirected in air turbulence.
Diffusional spreading by turbulence is extraordinary effective. Instead
of the well known linear growth of the mean square particle distance with time
The anomalously fast particle distance growth could be explained from fluid dynamics (Navier-Stokes equations) by Grossmann and Procaccia (1984), Effinger and Grossmann (1984), Grossmann (1990) in mean field approximation. New results on dynamical Lagrangian time correlation decay (numerical, Grossmann and Wiele 1997 and analytical, Daems et al. 1999) stimulated efforts to even determine the absolute magnitude as characterized by the prefactor in addition to the scaling exponent (Grossmann 2002).
In particular the memory effects in the time correlation decay have turned out to be very important. And turbulent intermittency implies additional scale dependence of the turbulent diffusivity (Grossmann 2002). A survey on the past development and on the most recent surprising findings is offered in the lecture.
Daems D, Grossmann S, L'vov V and Procaccia I 1999 Phys Rev E60 6656
Effinger H and Grossmann S 1984 Phys Rev Lett 50 442
Grossmann S and Procaccia I 1984 Phys Rev A29 1358
Grossmann S 1990 Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 47 577
Grossmann S and Wiele C 1997 Z Phys B103 469
Grossmann S 2002 to be published
Lundgren T S 1981 J Fluid Mech 111 27
Richardson L F 1926 Proc Roy Soc (London) A110 709
Richardson L F 1929 Beitr Phys Atm 15 24
The appropriate tool to study the dynamics of a statistical system is its (stationary) time correlation function. This has also proven to be true for turbulent fluid flow. The observable quantities of interest are here the Lagrangian, scale dependent eddies , i.e., the Eulerian velocity differences . These objects are statistically time and space independent in stationary and homogeneous turbulence, but depend besides on scale on the time lapse between two observations of an -eddy at times and . By means of a continued fraction expansion the time correlation function can be uniquely expressed in terms of the static, stationary, time independent structure functions; but all orders of those are needed.
Analysis of the dynamical time correlation function is presented. was first studied in 1-pole approximation (Grossmann and Thomae 1982), because no estimate of higher order stationary structure functions was available then. Since Grossmann and Wiele (1997) provided numerical data for large Reynolds number, highly turbulent flow, it became clear that the memory effects surprisingly reduce the decorrelation time. The additional effects of turbulent intermittency were elucidated analytically in Daems et al. (1999). The main, rather unexpected results are:
i. The static multifractality of turbulent flow destroys dynamical scaling despite good scaling of stationary moments, i.e., of power laws in of all order structure functions. ii. The deviations from dynamical scaling are a direct measure of the strength of intermittency. iii. The scale dependence of the correlation decay rate can be expressed approximately in terms of the turbulent structure function of order (Grossmann 2002).
Daems D, Grossmann S, L'vov V and Procaccia I 1999 Phys Rev E60 6656
Grossmann S and Thomae S 1982 Z Phys B49 253
Grossmann S and Wiele C 1997 Z Phys B103 469
Grossmann S 2002 to be published
Turbulent heat transport in fluid layers heated from below is one
of the most intensely studied fluid flow problems. In 1900
Bénard detected interesting pattern formation in this system,
in 1916 Rayleigh calculated the underlying instability. If the
heating is increased further, chaotic motion and finally
turbulence is observed in the bulk , surrounded by Blasius type
boundary layers near the plates and walls. In the 50th and
60th power laws for the heat transport as a function of
the thermal driving were suggested for the Rayleigh-Bénard
system in accordance with other scaling behavior in turbulence,
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