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Experimental modeling of chaotic fields
Igor Grabec
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Physical description of natural laws is based on evolution equations
of fields but their analytical formulation is often not possible for
very complex chaotic phenomena [1]. In the lecture we show how a
method of chaotic time series prediction can be generalized to
statistical modeling of chaotic fields [2, 3]. For this purpose we
assume that a record of the field is provided by an experiment and
that the field amplitude at a point of observation
is related to amplitudes in a surrounding region. We
represent the field values in the surrounding region by the vector
, and describe the field evolution by the mapping
in which the function is estimated statistically. For this purpose
samples of the joint state vector
are first extracted from the
given record. As an optimal non-parametric estimator of the field at
point we employ the conditional average, which is expressed
describes a similarity between the
given vector
and a sample , while
denotes a kernel function, such as Gaussian. The vector
is considered as a given condition and is comprised from field
values in the surrounding of point . During the calculation
of the conditional average the surrounding can be arbitrary selected,
which is an advantage of non-parametric estimator. To calculate a
field distribution in some domain, the field must be first specified
in a sub-domain. From given values the field distribution in the
surrounding of sub-domain can be estimated by Eq.2. The estimated
values are then considered as given ones and the procedure of field
estimation is iteratively continued. In the lecture optimal
statistical methods for selection of surrounding region of a point
and self-organized determination of number are
explained. Various examples of estimated chaotic filed distributions,
such as profiles of a rough surface [3, 4], charge density and
electron temperature in turbulent ionization waves in plasma, etc, are
demonstrated. The performance of the proposed statistical modeling is
described by comparing correlation functions and spectra of
experimentally recorded and estimated fields.
[1] Grabec I, 1986, Phys. Lett., A117(8), pp 384-386
[2] Grabec I, Sachse W, 1997, Synergetics of Measurement, Prediction and Control, (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg)
[3] Grabec I, Mandelj S, 1997, Proc. Int. Conf. EANN'97 - Stockholm, Eds.: A. B. Bulsari, S. Kallio, (Åbo Akademis Tryckery, Turku, Finland), pp 357-360
[4] Mandelj S, Grabec I, Govekar E, 2000, CIRP J. of Manuf. Systems, 30(3), pp 281-287
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