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Hotel Piramida (interactive map).
Student Residence Drava (interactive map).
See map of Europe and map of Slovenia.
Ljubljana Airport
- LJU (130 km from Maribor):
Take a bus from Ljubljana Airport to the
Ljubljana railway station and then a train to Maribor. There are
frequent InterCity trains, see
Graz Airport
- GRZ, Austria (45 km from Maribor):
Take a train to Maribor.
You have to change the train in Spielfeld-Strass (the border railway station).
Vienna Airport
- VIE, Austria (240 km from Maribor):
Take a bus from the airport to the railway station Wien-Südbahnhof.
Then take a train to Maribor.
Maribor railway station is very well connected from the south-west (frequent InterCity trains from Ljubljana), reasonably well connected from the north, and from the south-east (via Zagreb). See international timetables.
The railway station is a walking distance from Hotel Piramida, while guests of Student residence Drava may prefer to take a taxi. See map of Maribor.There is a highway to Maribor from Austria (via Graz) and from Italy (via Ljubljana). See Slovenian Auto-Moto Association for current road conditions.
Guests of Hotel Piramida have their own guarded parking lot. For guests of Student residence Drava there is plenty of parking space around.
Have a look at the weather forecast for the next couple of days.
As of 1 January 2007 the official currency of Slovenia is Euro.
See current
exchange rates for Euro (EUR) at Bank of Slovenia.
Please check with our Ministry of Foreign Affairs if you need an entry visa for Slovenia. If your country is not listed then you probably need to apply for a visa. In this case, let us know, and we will send you an official invitation letter. It is important to know that as of 21 December 2007 Slovenia is a member state of the Schengen agreement association.