CAMTP home 7th International Summer School/Conference
Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
CAMTP, University of Maribor, Slovenia
29 June - 13 July 2008

Application Procedure

Application is possible only in the electronic form, by sending an e-mail with the filled Application form to the e-mail address This form is in plain ascii format.

The proof of the advance payment - a copy to our fax - must be received at our address of CAMTP at latest one week after the electronic application (see above). Then, upon the receipt of the application and of the proof of the advance payment the candidates will be notified whether they are accepted or not, including their communications. When sending the payment please clearly indicate your name and the identity (the full address) beyond any doubt. When the maximum capacity of about 140 participants will be reached the School/Conference will be simply closed for all further applications (the status will be available on our conference home page). Thus the organizers strongly recommend to apply as early as possible.

Arrival and reservation form (this form is also in plain ascii format) should be submitted by e-mail at latest by 26 June 2008, possibly much earlier if you already know your arrival data.

All registered - admitted participants and interested persons registered on the e-mailing list will receive our regular circularies with the up-to-date information on the School/Conference.
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