6th International Summer School/Conference LET'S FACE CHAOS THROUGH NONLINEAR DYNAMICS
Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
CAMTP, University of Maribor, Slovenia
26 June - 10 July 2005
Dedicated to the 75th Birthday of
Professor Siegfried Großmann
The organizers are particularly glad to have the chance of
celebrating the 75th birthday of Professor Siegfried Großmann
(born on 28 February 1930) from the
University of Marburg, Germany, where he is working continuously since
the beginning of his professorial scientific career. We feel deeply
honoured by his attenting of our School and Conference, by the fact that
he accepted our invitation to act as Honorary Director, along
with the three other distinguished scientists and colleagues,
namely Professors Giulio Casati of Como, Predrag Cvitanovic of
Atlanta and Hermann Haken of Stuttgart. Our Schools/Conferences
have been dignified by the presence of Professor Siegfried Großmann,
and his lecturing already since the year 1994 (2nd School/Conference).
Professor Siegfried Großmann's contributions to science are
immense and brilliant, not only in research, but in the general culture
of science. He is one of the initiators of the
nonlinear science and of the physics of complex systems. His
invaluable brilliant scientific contributions to this field of
theoretical physics are of permanent value and are appreciated
by all generations of scientists. We consider it a privilege
to celebrate his 75th birthday at our 6th School/Conference,
enjoying the opportunity to thank him sincerely for his
great work and contributions to science and culture. Science
is the universal culture, it is indeed Culture of the World.
We look forward to our
gathering in Maribor 2005 to cheerfully celebrate Professor Siegfried
Großmann's 75th Birthday and to review his enormous scientific
life opus and his current research work.