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Dynamics of nonlocally coupled oscillators I
Yoshiki Kuramoto
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Sciences,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
The dynamics of large assemblies or extended fields of coupled nonlinear
elements depends crucially on the interaction range involved. Most foregoing
studies have been confined to the limiting cases of either local coupling
or global coupling, while systematic studies of more general nonlocally
coupled systems remain few. In this series of lectures, I will discuss some
remarkable features in the dynamics which can arise peculiarly to nonlocally
coupled systems, working mainly with oscillatory dynamics. The first
lecture will be devoted to general discussions on what are essentially new with
nonlocally coupled systems as contrasted with locally coupled systems. Some
points to be discussed include the following:
- 1.
- Effective nonlocality in coupling arising from
locally coupled systems (typically reaction-diffusion systems)
as a result of elimination of some variables.
- 2.
- Proposal of a 3-component reaction-diffusion model as a
canonical model covering the local, global and nonlocal regimes of the
effective coupling, thus providing an
ideal model for the study of the effects of nonlocality
on the dynamics.
- 3.
- Pointing out the fact that nonlocal coupling
has its own asymptotic regeme, not being merely something intermediate
between the local and global.
- 4.
- Applicability of center-manifold reduction and phase reduction
leading to some new forms of universal equations.
- 5.
- General conditions under which the effects of nonlocality
become overt.
- 6.
- Mean-field picture applicable to nonlocally coupled systems.
- 7.
- Onset of spatial discontinuity of patterns as a general
feature of nonlocally coupled systems.
Dynamics of nonlocally coupled oscillators II
Yoshiki Kuramoto
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Sciences,
Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
In this second lecture, the impact of the nonlocality in coupling
will be demonstrated
by showing a variety of curious dynamics exhibited by the canonical model
introduced in the first lecture or by its reduced forms. Our emphasis will be
placed upon how the types of behavior observed are peculiar to the coupling
nonlocality and how they can naturally be understood in terms of the general
notions developed in the first lecture. In particular, the mean-field picture
valid for nonlocally coupled elements turns out quite useful for interpreting
certain features of behavior. Some problems involving stochasticity are also
discussed for which a theory can be formulated by virtue of the same
mean-field picture. The types of behavior discussed are:
- A.
- Self-sustained pacemakers in monostable excitable media
whose origin is completely different from those proposed in the past.
- B.
- Two-dimensional spiral waves with a strongly turbulent core
which is initiated by a breakdonw of synchronization of a small group of
central oscillators to the periodic internal forcing.
- C.
- Coexistence of coherent and incoherent domains.
This is a generalization of case B.
- D.
- Spatio-temporal chaos with multi-scaling properties for which
the pattern is fractalized with its fractal dimension changing
continuously with the system parameter.
- E.
- Soft-mode turbulence which occurs right at the Turing instability
in the presence of a Goldstone mode.
- F.
- Sawtooth turbulence characterized by persistent creations and
annihilations of wave sources and sinks.
- G.
- Transmission of waves in random media for which a statistical
theory can be formulated in terms of a Boltzmann type kinetic equation.
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