Differential equations usually contain finitely or infinitely dimensional parameters. In this talk I will address how solutions and eigenvalues will depend on infinitely dimensional parameters like potentials, weights, densities or distributions (measures). By considering the second-order ordinary differential equations and their generalizations, I will show that solutions and eigenvalues will continuously depend on these parameters in a very strong way, i.e. even when the weak topologies are considered, solutions and eigenvalues are continuous in these infinitely dimensional parameters. As an application, I will explain how such a strong continuity can be used to solve some infinitely dimensional extremal problems on eigenvalues which will yield optimal estimation of eigenvalues.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v torek 22. avgusta 2017 ob 16:00 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Mladinska 3, drugo nadstropje levo. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.