Abstract: In this talk we discuss the center and isochronous center problem, which is important for the investigation of qualitative properties of planar differential systems. For non-switching analytic systems, several methods are given and developed well including the Urabe's criterion and linearization method and so on. Isochronous center conditions are obtained for many kinds of systems such as Hamiltonian systems and time-reversible systems. However, for the switching case there are few results and some known methods for non-switching systems are not valid for switching ones. We will introduce some methods for switching systems and then apply to a switching Bautin system to find its center conditions and isochronous center conditions.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v sredo 14. avgusta 2013 ob 17:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.