Abstract: The study of galactic dynamics - and particularly of barred galaxies - has profited greatly from numerical simulations of isolated galaxies. I will present a brief overview of the techniques and of the progress of numerical work relating to the dynamics of barred galaxies. Such simulations often rely on certain (useful or necessary) simplifications. It is generally fruitful to explore the outcome of simulations in which one or more of the customary simplifications has been lifted. I will therefore present recent numerical results exploring two issues of barred galaxies: the shapes of their dark matter haloes, and also their gas content. Finally, I will discuss aspects of chaos in galaxies, having in mind the contribution that N-body simulations may provide in informing analytical models that aim at studying chaotic behaviour.
Reference: E. Athanassoula, R.E.G. Machado and S. Rodionov, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 429 (2013) 1949-1969.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v ponedeljek 8. julija 2013 ob 15:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.