Abstract: In the last 3 decades, we have witnessed an explosive scientific activity worldwide aiming to understand, predict and hopefully control complex systems of great physical, biological, technological and social importance. These systems typically consist of a multitude of interacting components, yet exhibit a wealth of collective phenomena of self – organization, pattern formation and phase transitions that cannot be explained simply by analyzing their individual constituents. In this lecture, I will discuss the fundamental concepts of what has come to be known as Complexity Science, emphasizing the importance of mathematical models and what they can teach us about some basic principles of complex systems in the physical and biological sciences. I will also report on certain very interesting quasi – stationary states with complex statistical properties in weakly chaotic regimes of conservative dynamical systems. References T. Bountis and H. Skokos, "Complex Hamiltonian Dynamics", Springer Synergetics series (April 2012).
Seminarsko predavanje bo v ponedeljek 14. maja 2012 ob 15:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.