Direct distance estimates to the GRBs - observed since some 40 years - are
difficult to obtain because of their pointlike geometry, short duration
(seconds), and the transparency of their ejecta (recorded as afterglows).
Nevertheless, there are more than four quantitative criteria which put the
GRBs at nearby Galactic distances. Note that the cosmic interpretation
requires times brighter sources than the local-Galactic one, for a
similar type of objects! I shall explain the GRBs via the throttled Milky-
Way pulsars, as the high-mass tail of the class of accreting neutron stars.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v ponedeljek 17. oktobra ob 15:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.