Equivalence of Hamiltonian systems in the neighborhood of a critical
point relatively to the group of formal canonical transformations is
Definitions of metanormal and normal forms of a Hamiltonian system that
do not require restrictions on the unperturbed part of the Hamiltonian
and a method of their finding are introduced.
Relationships between the introduced Hamiltonian normal forms and the
normal forms of Hamiltonian systems defined by A.D. Bruno and K.R. Meyer
are studied.
Hamiltonian normal forms for real one degree of freedom Hamiltonian
systems are obtained in the case when the unperturbed part of the
Hamiltonian is monomial and in the case when the unperturbed part of the
Hamiltonian is an irreducible binomial with coprime indices.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v četrtek 6. oktobra ob 16:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.