Abstract: We study nonequilibrium phase transition of the open Takayama Lin-Liu Maki model (the TLM model) embedded between two infinitely extended reservoirs by combining a mean field approximation and a result of the algebraic approach to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. The TLM model describes charge-density-wave order commensurate with the lattice. For the mean-field Hamiltonian, a natural nonequilibrium steady state (NESS) of Ruelle is characterized as a state where the incoming field of reservoir operators distributes according to the Fermi distribution function of the reservoirs. We report on nonequilibrium phases with a uniform lattice dimerization as well as those with localized excitations. For the former case, the phase diagram and the possibility of the negative differential conductance will be reported. For the latter case, we show that the polaron excitation is possible only when the system is far from equilibrium, and report its features (temperature and applied-voltage dependence of its size and amplitude, etc.).
Seminarsko predavanje bo v ponedeljek 1. marca 2010 ob 15:15 v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.