15:15-16:00 Prof.Dr. Willibald Plessas, University of Graz, Austria
Understanding baryons within quantum chromodynamics
16:00-16:45 Prof.Dr. Mirjam Cvetič, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA and
CAMTP, University of Maribor
Modern string theory and landscape of realistic
particle physics
16:45-17:15 Tea and Coffee
17:15-18:00 Prof.Dr. Svjetlana Fajfer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and
Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Search for new physics: From proton decay to low energies
Simpozij se prične v četrtek 24. junija 2010 ob 15:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje. Povzetki predavanj so v prilogi, in tudi dosegljivi na www.camtp.uni-mb.si
Prof.Dr. Willibald Plessas, University of Graz, Austria
Understanding baryons within quantum chromodynamics
Quantum chromodynamics has by now been known for almost 40 years and is generally accepted as the fundamental theory of strong/hadronic interactions. Still it cannot yet be solved comprehensively (and the solution of the corresponding millennium problem is still open, see: http://www.claymath.org/millennium/Yang-Mills_Theory/). Consequently one has to resort to approximations or effective models. I shall review which insights have by now been gained into (a restricted selection of) phenomena of hadronic physics ranging from hadron mass spectroscopy, via electroweak hadron structure to a variety of hadron reactions.
Prof.Dr. Mirjam Cvetič, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA and
CAMTP, University of Maribor
Modern string theory and landscape of realistic
particle physics
We review recent progress in deriving particle physics from modern string theory with so-called extended object, D-branes. We introduce non-perturbative configurations, so called D-instantons, which correct and improve the couplings of particle physics models. The landscape analysis of minimal supersymmetric standard models is presented.
Prof.Dr. Svjetlana Fajfer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and
Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Search for new physics: From proton decay to low energies
Grand unified theories offer very attractive scenarios of new physics. We consider light colored scalars appearing in a particular SU(5) GUT model within the 45-dimensional Higgs representation. A virtue of the model is that it connects the presence of a light colored, weak singlet and a color octet weak doublet with bounds on the proton lifetime, which constrain the parameter space of both scalars. We find that both the tt production cross section and the forward-backward asymmetry can be accommodated simultaneously within this model. Then we investigate consequences of that analyses on low energy phenomenology.
1.Light colored scalars from grand unification and the forward-backward asymmetry in t t-bar production. Ilja Dorsner, (Sarajevo U.) , Svjetlana Fajfer, (Ljubljana U. & Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) , Jernej F. Kamenik, Nejc Kosnik, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) . Dec 2009. (Published Mar 1, 2010). 12pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D81:055009,2010.
2.Can scalar leptoquarks explain the f(D(s)) puzzle? Ilja Dorsner, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana & Sarajevo U.) , Svjetlana Fajfer, ( Stefan Inst., Ljubljana & Ljubljana U.) , Jernej F. Kamenik, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana & Frascati) ,Nejc Kosnik, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) . Jun 2009. 8pp. Published in Phys.Lett.B682:67-73,2009.
3. Signatures of NP models in top FCNC decay t --> c(u) l+ l-. Jure Drobnak, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) , Svjetlana Fajfer, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana & Ljubljana U.) , Jernej F. Kamenik, (Stefan Inst., Ljubljana & Frascati) . Dec 2008. 12pp. Published in JHEP 0903:077,2009.
4. Leptoquarks in FCNC charm decays. Svjetlana Fajfer, (Ljubljana U. & Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) , Nejc Kosnik, ( Stefan Inst., Ljubljana) . Oct 2008. (Published Oct 2008). 5pp. Published in Phys.Rev.D79:017502,2009.