Abstract: The major source for uncertainties in supply chain networks originate from the fact that stakeholders are dispersed globally, each entity has its own objective and operations are performed over long period of time. There are also the problems of misunderstanding the market promotions, social mistrust, forecasting problems. These varying factors introduce the nonlinear dynamic behavior in supply chain network. The nonlinear dynamic behavior leads to more inventory at different levels and can cause the well known bullwhip effect. Supply chain synchronization is a vital step towards the integration of all components of the supply chain. The focus of this talk is presenting the state of the art in dealing with the effect caused by uncertainties and exploring further research possibilities.
Seminarsko predavanje (v angleškem jeziku) bo v petek 18. aprila 2008 ob 16:45 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP na Krekovi 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.