Abstract: Present-day fundamental physics is a torso: Macroscopic bodies satisfy classical physics (Cl), non-relativistic (NR) for beta , special-relativistic (SR) for beta , and general-relativistic (GR) when strong gravity is not excluded. Submacroscopic bodies - molecules, atoms, nuclei, and all the elementary particles - satisfy instead the laws of quantum physics (Qu) according to which their propagation is field-guided. (Qu) applies to a particle iff its (linear) size s is at most comparable to its de Broglie-Dirac length, . Fundamental physics can therefore be divided into six categories, labeled respectively by NR, SR, GR and Cl, Qu. In each of them, both box thermodynamics and magneto-thermo-hydrodynamical systems of equations can be derived, describing the system's conservation laws, equations of motion, and growth of (coarse-grained) entropy. On phase space, the inequivalence of (Cl) and (Qu) can be traced to the Poisson bracket equalling the Moyal bracket only to first order in , and to non-local distribution functions. The missing 6th box GR, Qu coincides with Hasselmann's yet unexplored metron approach.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v četrtek 19. aprila 2007 ob 15:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritličje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.