Abstract: Sociodynamics aims at providing a frame of theoretical concepts for designing mathematical models for a broad class of dynamical phenomena within human society. The methods developed so far integrate on one side the theory of probabilistic systems (master equation) and of nonlinear dynamics, and on the other side overarching concepts (such as dynamic utilities) from social sciences. The central concepts, i.e., the variables of state, the transition rates and the equations of evolution of the socio-configurations in probabilistic and quasi-deterministic version are exhibited. Models for migration of culturally interacting populations and for the evolution of a city and its population are presented as examples of application. References: [1] Wolfgang Weidlich, 2002. Sociodynamics - a Systematic Approach to Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences. Taylor and Francis. JSBN 90-5823-049-X. [2] Wolfgang Weidlich, 1991. "Physics and Social Science - The approach of Synergetics." Physics Reports 204, pp. 1-164.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v sredo, 7. julija 2004 ob 15:15 uri v seminarski sobi CAMTP na Krekovi 2, pritlicje desno. Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi študentje.