By continuation from the hyperbolic limit of the
cardioid billiard we show that there is an abundance of
bifurcations in the family of limacon billiards. The
statistics of these bifurcations show that the sizes of
the stable intervals decrease with approximately the
same rate as their number increases with the period. In
particular, we give numerical evidence that arbitrarily
close to the cardioid there are elliptic islands due to
orbits created in saddle node bifurcations. This
shows explicitly that if in this one parameter family of
maps ergodicity occurs for more than one parameter the
set of these parameter values has a complicated
Reference:H. R. Dullin and A. Bäcker:
About ergodicity in the family of limacon billiards,
Nonlinearity 11 (2001) 79-87
Seminarsko predavanje bo v cetrtek, 13. decembra 2001 ob 15:15 uri
v seminarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritlicje.
Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi