We study the autocorrelation function of different types
of eigenfunctions in quantum mechanical systems with either
chaotic or mixed classical limits. We obtain an
expansion of the autocorrelation function in terms of
the correlation length. For localized states, like
bouncing ball modes or states living on tori, a simple
model using only classical input gives good agreement
with the exact result. In particular, a prediction for
irregular eigenfunctions in mixed systems is derived
and tested. For chaotic systems, the expansion of the
autocorrelation function can be used to test quantum
ergodicity on different length scales.
Reference:A. Bäcker and R. Schubert:
Autocorrelation function of eigenstates in chaotic and
mixed systems,
BRIMS Report HPL-BRIMS-00-11, April 2001, 30 pp.
Seminarsko predavanje bo v sredo, 12. decembra 2001 ob 15:15 uri
v se- minarski sobi CAMTP, Krekova 2, pritlicje.
Vljudno vabljeni vsi zainteresirani, tudi