CAMTP home
Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
University of Maribor, Slovenia

Staff and Location


Center for Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
CAMTP, University of Maribor
Mladinska 3
SI-2000 Maribor
Phone: +(386 2) 2355-350
Fax: +(386 2) 2355-360

Founder (1990) and Director

Prof. Dr. Marko Robnik, Member EASA mailto ext. 350 and 351


Prof. Dr. Mirjam Cvetič, Member EASA and AAAS mailto
Prof. Dr. Valery Romanovski, Member EASA mailto ext. 352
Prof. Dr. Matjaž Perc , Member EASA mailto
Prof. Dr. Brigita Ferčec mailto ext. 351
Dr. Qian Wang mailto ext. 351
Dr. Hua Yan mailto ext. 351
Mag. Ivan Mastev, Ph.D. student mailto ext. 351
Mag. Matic Orel, Ph.D. student mailto ext. 351
Dr. Janez Kaiser mailto

Associated members

Prof. Dr. George Krylov mailto
Prof. Dr. Tomaž Prosen, Member EASA and SAZU mailto
Prof. Dr. Luca Salasnich mailto
Dr. Črt Lozej mailto
CAMTP home
Last modified: 10 Jan 2024 Janez Kaiser
CAMTP home