Mariborski informacijski sistem


Maribor - Melje - Stolni vrh - Meljski hrib - Malecnik

From Glavni trg we start along Ulica Kneza Koclja towards the two storey bridge, by which we cross the Drava. We continue along Pobreska cesta to the Malecnik Bridge across the Drava and the Drava Channel. To the right, we continue to observe the impressive sinking marl rock of the Meljski hrib (Melje Hill), which is of ornithological significance, as 9 birds of prey species and 61 other bird species are to be found here. From the Malecnik bridge we may notice the dam as well. Drava waters have, at this location, mainly been directed to an man-made channel, by which the waters flow toward the electric power station of Zlatolicje. After the power station construction, by redirecting the waters from the old riverbed to the channel, the water elevation in the old riverbed diminished significantly, thus the capacity for self-cleansing of the Drava has also been diminished significantly. The road to Malecnik goes along the old Drava riverbed. Along the road, the inn ^rni baron (Black Baron), so popular among Maribor inhabitants, is located. To the left, we can see ever more of the vineyard slopes under Gorca, where Our Lady's Church is located. It is possible to reach it after the branching of the road upwards to the left. A unique view is possible from the Gorca, reaching the Pohorje, Velika kopa and Urslja Gora to the west, while to the right it reaches Ivanscica and Sljeme in Croatia. A road of the cross, with fourteen chapels, leads from Malecnik to the Church. St. Peter's Church in the centre of Malecnik is older than Our Lady's. St. Peter's is mentioned in 1236 for the first time.The present Church was reconstructed in the Gothic and Baroque styles.


